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Git & Svn Command Comparison


Copy a repositorygit clonesvn checkout
Record changes to file historygit commitsvn commit
View commit detailsgit showsvn cat
Confirm statusgit statussvn status
Check differencesgit diffsvn diff
Check loggit logsvn log
Additiongit addsvn add
Movegit mvsvn mv
Deletegit rmsvn rm
Cancel changegit checkoutsvn revert (*1)
Cancel changegit resetsvn revert (*1)
Make a branchgit branchsvn copy (*2)
Switch branchgit checkoutsvn switch
Mergegit mergesvn merge
Create a taggit tagsvn copy (*2)
Updategit pullsvn update
Updategit fetchsvn update
It is reflected on the remotegit pushsvn commit (*3)
Ignore file listgitignore.svnignore

(*1) Revert in SVN is the cancel of change, but Revert in Git is the commit for negation. The meanings of Revert are different.

(*2) Branch and tag are the same in the structure in SVN, but they are clearly different in Git

(*3) SVN does not have the concept of local repository/remote repository, accordingly commit is directly reflected in the remote. However, Git has different reflecting methods for reflecting to the local repository and for reflecting to the remote repository.